Speaking Chakra

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A spirit called Patriotism

The cloudy Monday morning suddenly turned into sunny when the news from Beijing broke out stating, “India wins first individual Olympic gold medal”. Indian ace shooter and world champion Abhinav Bindra achieved a rare milestone in the sports history of India by winning a gold medal in the 10 meter air rifle event at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Then the wave of greetings sprung out from every walk of life, revealing the spirit, we call patriotism. Without loosing a single moment, Indian news channels went on entire day coverage, leaving behind other happenings back, as if all are waiting this special day to come.

India, a billion plus nation have always been criticized for its poor performance in the field of sports. After a long gap of 28 years India won a gold medal in the Olympics. Isn’t this the most jubilant moment for every Indian to celebrate? Being a proud Indian no one doesn’t really wanted to miss the opportunity to showcase the spirit of togetherness and solidarity. No matter whether one loves sports or not, but sharing the glorious moments are spontaneous as like revealing the untamed spirit of nationalism. The repeating picture of unfurling Tri-colored national flag with the sound of national anthem in background on every Indian news channel made every Indian to feel the emoted spirit of patriotism as like of any national day. As the news spread across the country the voice of oneness started echoing on television screens. With the progress of day, voices from each and every parts of the country swell into a mainstream tone- we are proud of you Abhivav, ham honge kamiyab ek din (We will successful one day) and Jai Hind (Long live India) etc.

On the same day, news from the trouble-torn Jammu & Kashmir remained unheard to many. Have you ever heard any public comment on J & K situation since the Amarnath land row erupted? In such crucial cases, we prefer to stay silence and let our decision makers to speak on behalf of us out of their dirty minds and hidden agendas. We never dare to share our own voices; however we dance with the politician’s rhythmic vote bank tunes. Yes, we practice fanaticism as true spirit of patriotism and chauvinism. When it comes as the saga of sport success we celebrate in high spirit saying united we stand. But in reality we stand divided by the name of region, religion and caste, don’t we?

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